Source code for netconf_client.connect

import socket
import ssl

import paramiko

from netconf_client.session import Session
from netconf_client.log import logger

[docs]def connect_ssh( host=None, port=830, username="netconf", password=None, key_filename=None, sock=None, timeout=120, ): """Connect to a NETCONF server over SSH. :param str host: Hostname or IP address; unused if an already-open socket is provided :param int port: TCP port to initiate the connection; unused if an already-open socket is provided :param str username: Username to login with; always required :param str password: Password to login with; not required if a private key is provided instead :param str key_filename: Path to an SSH private key; not required if a password is provided instead :param sock: An already-open TCP socket; SSH will be setup on top of it :param int timeout: Seconds to wait when connecting the socket :rtype: :class:`netconf_client.session.Session` """ if not sock: sock = socket.socket() sock.settimeout(timeout) sock.connect((host, port)) sock.settimeout(None) transport = paramiko.transport.Transport(sock) pkey = _try_load_pkey(key_filename) if key_filename else None transport.connect(username=username, password=password, pkey=pkey) channel = transport.open_session() channel.invoke_subsystem("netconf") bundle = SshSessionSock(sock, transport, channel) return Session(bundle)
[docs]def connect_tls( host=None, port=6513, keyfile=None, certfile=None, ca_certs=None, sock=None, timeout=120, ): """Connect to a NETCONF server over TLS. :param str host: Hostname or IP address; unused if an already-open socket is provided :param int port: TCP port to initiate the connection; unused if an already-open socket is provided :param keyfile: Path to the key file used to identify the client :param certfile: Path to the certificate used to identify the client :param ca_certs: Path to a file containing the certificate autority chains for verifying the server identity :param sock: An already-open TCP socket; TLS will be setup on top of it :param int timeout: Seconds to wait when connecting the socket :rtype: :class:`netconf_client.session.Session` """ if not sock: sock = socket.socket() sock.settimeout(timeout) sock.connect((host, port)) sock.settimeout(None) cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if ca_certs else ssl.CERT_NONE ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket( # pylint: disable=W1505 sock, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile, cert_reqs=cert_reqs, ca_certs=ca_certs ) return Session(ssl_sock)
[docs]class CallhomeManager: """Listener object for accepting callhome connections (:rfc:`8071`) Options on the listener socket (e.g. timeout) can be set on the ``server_socket`` member. This object is a context manager, and should generally be used within `with` statements to ensure the listening socket is properly closed. Note that sessions started from one of the `accept` functions may outlive the scope of this object and will not be closed automatically. Example of accepting a call-home connection with TLS: .. code-block:: python with CallhomeManager(port=4335) as call_home_mgr: session = call_home_mgr.accept_one_tls(keyfile=client_key, certfile=client_cert, ca_certs=ca_cert) with Manager(session) as mgr: mgr.get_config(source='running') """ def __init__(self, bind_to="", port=4334, backlog=1): self.bind_to = bind_to self.port = port self.server_socket = None self.backlog = backlog def __enter__(self): self.server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.server_socket.bind((self.bind_to, self.port)) self.server_socket.listen(self.backlog) return self
[docs] def accept_one(self, timeout=120): """Accept a single TCP client and returns it :param int timeout: Seconds to wait for an incoming connection """ self.server_socket.settimeout(timeout) (sock, remote_host) = self.server_socket.accept() self.server_socket.settimeout(None)"Callhome connection initiated from remote host %s", remote_host) return sock
[docs] def accept_one_ssh(self, *args, **kwds): """Accept a single TCP client and start an SSH session on it This function takes the same arguments as :func:`connect_ssh` """ sock = self.accept_one(timeout=kwds.get("timeout", 120)) kwds["sock"] = sock return connect_ssh(*args, **kwds)
[docs] def accept_one_tls(self, *args, **kwds): """Accept a single TCP client and start a TLS session on it This function takes the same arguments as :func:`connect_tls` """ sock = self.accept_one(timeout=kwds.get("timeout", 120)) kwds["sock"] = sock return connect_tls(*args, **kwds)
def __exit__(self, _, __, ___): self.server_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.server_socket.close()
def _try_load_pkey(path): for cls in (paramiko.RSAKey, paramiko.DSSKey, paramiko.ECDSAKey): try: return cls.from_private_key_file(path) except Exception: pass return None class SshSessionSock: def __init__(self, sock, transport, channel): self.sock = sock self.transport = transport = channel def recv(self, n): return def sendall(self, b): def close(self): self.transport.close() self.sock.close()