Source code for netconf_client.ncclient

from datetime import datetime
from socket import error as socket_error
import logging
import inspect
from concurrent.futures import CancelledError, TimeoutError
from six.moves.queue import Empty
from lxml import etree

from netconf_client.error import RpcError
from netconf_client.rpc import (

# Defines the scope for netconf traces
_logger = logging.getLogger("netconf_client.manager")

def _pretty_xml(xml):
    """Reformats a given string containing an XML document (for human readable output)"""

    parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
    tree = etree.fromstring(xml, parser)
    return etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True).decode()

[docs]class Manager: """A helper class for performing common NETCONF operations with pretty logging. This class attempts to be API compatible with the manager object from the original ncclient. This class is also a context manager and can be used with `with` statements to automatically close the underlying session. NETCONF requests and responses are logged using the ``netconf_client.manager`` scope. The log level is logger.DEBUG. Each log entry shows a log ID (the peers' IP addresses as default). Additionally, the round-trip delay between request and its response is computed and displayed. The Python logger receives a dictionary via `extra` parameter, whose key is ``ncclient.Manager.funcname`` and which contains the name of the API function being logged. This information can be used for user-specific filtering. :ivar float timeout: Duration in seconds to wait for a reply :ivar session: The underlying :class:`netconf_client.session.Session` connected to the server :ivar str log_id: application-specific log ID (None as default) """ def __init__(self, session, timeout=120, log_id=None): """Construct a new Manager object :param session: The low-level NETCONF session to use for requests :type session: :class:`netconf_client.session.Session` :param float timeout: Duration in seconds to wait for replies :param string log_id: log ID string additionally printed with each log entry """ self.timeout = timeout self.session = session self.log_id = log_id self._start_time = self._get_timestamp() self._local_ip = None self._peer_ip = None self._funcname = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, a, b, c): self.session.__exit__(a, b, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def logger(): """Returns the internally used logger instance (same for all sessions)""" return _logger
def _get_timestamp(self): return def _is_logger_enabled(self): return Manager.logger().isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) def _fetch_connection_ip(self): """Retrieves and stores the connection's local and remote IP""" self._local_ip = None self._peer_ip = None try: (self._local_ip, _) = self.session.sock.sock.getsockname() (self._peer_ip, _) = self.session.sock.sock.getpeername() except socket_error: pass def _get_connection_info(self, direction): """Returns detailed connection info for logging""" result = "" if self.log_id: if self._local_ip and self._peer_ip: result = " ({}) {} {} ({})".format( self._local_ip, direction, self.log_id, self._peer_ip ) else: result = " {} {}".format(direction, self.log_id) else: if self._local_ip and self._peer_ip: result = " {} {} {}".format(self._local_ip, direction, self._peer_ip) return result def _fetch_funcname(self): """Retrieves and stores the name of the API function being called""" self._funcname = inspect.stack()[3][3] def _log_rpc_request(self, rpc_xml): if self._is_logger_enabled(): self._fetch_funcname() self._fetch_connection_ip() conn_id = self._get_connection_info("=>") self._start_time = self._get_timestamp() pretty = _pretty_xml(rpc_xml) Manager.logger().debug( "NC Request%s:\n%s", conn_id, pretty, extra={"ncclient.Manager.funcname": self._funcname}, ) def _log_rpc_response(self, rpc_xml): if self._is_logger_enabled(): end_time = self._get_timestamp() conn_id = self._get_connection_info("<=") taken = end_time - self._start_time taken_formatted = "%d.%03d" % (taken.seconds, taken.microseconds / 1000) pretty = _pretty_xml(rpc_xml) if rpc_xml else "(None)" Manager.logger().debug( "NC Response%s (%s sec):\n%s", conn_id, taken_formatted, pretty, extra={"ncclient.Manager.funcname": self._funcname}, ) def _log_rpc_failure(self, message): if self._is_logger_enabled(): end_time = self._get_timestamp() conn_id = self._get_connection_info("<=") taken = end_time - self._start_time taken_formatted = "%d.%03d" % (taken.seconds, taken.microseconds / 1000) message = "Cause: {}\n".format(message) Manager.logger().debug( "NC Failure%s (%s sec)\n%s", conn_id, taken_formatted, message, extra={"ncclient.Manager.funcname": self._funcname}, ) def _send_rpc(self, rpc_xml): """Send given NC request message and expect a NC response Both, the NC request and response messages are logged with timestamp. In case of failure or exceptions, the error cause is logged, if known. Exceptions thrown by functions called by _send_rpc() are re-raised after they have been logged. :param str rpc_xml: XML RPC message to sent to NC server :rtype :tupel: (`str` raw XML response, `ElementTree`: Element Tree or None) :exception: whatever exceptions raised by /netconf-client/netconf_client/ """ (raw, ele) = (None, None) self._log_rpc_request(rpc_xml) try: f = self.session.send_rpc(rpc_xml) r = f.result(timeout=self.timeout) if not r: self._log_rpc_failure("RPC returned without result") else: (raw, ele) = f.result(timeout=self.timeout) self._log_rpc_response(raw) except CancelledError: self._log_rpc_failure("RPC cancelled") raise except TimeoutError: self._log_rpc_failure("RPC timeout (max. {} seconds)".format(self.timeout)) raise except Exception as e: message = str(e) self._log_rpc_failure("RPC exception: {}".format(message)) raise return (raw, ele)
[docs] def edit_config( self, config, target="running", default_operation=None, test_option=None, error_option=None, format="xml", ): """Send an ``<edit-config>`` request :param str config: The ``<config>`` node to use in the request :param str target: The datastore to edit :param str default_operation: The default-operation to perform; can be ``None``, 'merge', 'replace', or 'none'. :param str test_option: The test-option to use; can be ``None``, 'test-then-set', 'set', or 'test-only' :param str error_option: The error-option to use; can be ``None``, 'stop-on-error', 'continue-on-error', or 'rollback-on-error' """ rpc_xml = edit_config( config, target, default_operation, test_option, error_option ) self._send_rpc(rpc_xml)
[docs] def get(self, filter=None, with_defaults=None): """Send a ``<get>`` request :param str filter: The ``<filter>`` node to use in the request :param str with_defaults: Specify the mode of default reporting. See :rfc:`6243`. Can be ``None`` (i.e., omit the with-defaults tag in the request), 'report-all', 'report-all-tagged', 'trim', or 'explicit'. :rtype: :class:`DataReply` """ rpc_xml = get(filter=convert_filter(filter), with_defaults=with_defaults) (raw, ele) = self._send_rpc(rpc_xml) return DataReply(raw, ele)
[docs] def get_config(self, source="running", filter=None, with_defaults=None): """Send a ``<get-config>`` request :param str source: The datastore to retrieve the configuration from :param str filter: The ``<filter>`` node to use in the request :param str with_defaults: Specify the mode of default reporting. See :rfc:`6243`. Can be ``None`` (i.e., omit the with-defaults tag in the request), 'report-all', 'report-all-tagged', 'trim', or 'explicit'. :rtype: :class:`DataReply` """ rpc_xml = get_config( source=source, filter=convert_filter(filter), with_defaults=with_defaults, ) (raw, ele) = self._send_rpc(rpc_xml) return DataReply(raw, ele)
[docs] def copy_config(self, target, source, with_defaults=None): """Send a ``<copy-config>`` request :param str source: The source datastore :param str target: The destination datastore :param str with_defaults: Specify the mode of default reporting. See :rfc:`6243`. Can be ``None`` (i.e., omit the with-defaults tag in the request), 'report-all', 'report-all-tagged', 'trim', or 'explicit'. """ rpc_xml = copy_config(target=target, source=source, with_defaults=with_defaults) self._send_rpc(rpc_xml)
[docs] def discard_changes(self): """Send a ``<discard-changes>`` request""" self._send_rpc(discard_changes())
[docs] def commit( self, confirmed=False, confirm_timeout=None, persist=None, persist_id=None ): """Send a ``<commit>`` request :param bool confirmed: Set to ``True`` if this is a confirmed-commit :param int confirm_timeout: When `confirmed` is ``True``, the number of seconds until the commit will be automatically rolled back if no confirmation or extension is received :param str persist: When `confirmed` is ``True``, sets the persist-id token for the commit and makes the commit a persistent commit :param str persist_id: When `confirmed` is ``True`` and a previous ``<persist>`` was given for the current commit, this field must match the corresponding persist-id for the commit """ rpc_xml = commit( confirmed=confirmed, confirm_timeout=confirm_timeout, persist=persist, persist_id=persist_id, ) self._send_rpc(rpc_xml)
[docs] def lock(self, target): """Send a ``<lock>`` request :param str target: The datastore to be locked """ self._send_rpc(lock(target))
[docs] def unlock(self, target): """Send an ``<unlock>`` request :param str target: The datastore to be unlocked """ self._send_rpc(unlock(target))
[docs] def kill_session(self, session_id): """Send a ``<kill-session>`` request :param int session_id: The session to be killed """ self._send_rpc(kill_session(session_id))
[docs] def close_session(self): """Send a ``<close-session>`` request""" self._send_rpc(close_session())
[docs] def create_subscription( self, stream=None, filter=None, start_time=None, stop_time=None ): """Send a ``<create-subscription>`` request Received ``<notification>`` elements can be retrieved with :meth:`take_notification` :param str stream: The event stream to subscribe to :param str filter: The filter for notifications to select :param str start_time: When replaying notifications, the earliest notifications to replay :param str stop_time: When replaying notifications, the latest notifications to replay """ rpc_xml = create_subscription( stream=stream, filter=filter, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time ) self._send_rpc(rpc_xml)
[docs] def validate(self, source): """Send a ``<validate>`` request :param str source: The datastore to validate """ self._send_rpc(validate(source))
@property def session_id(self): """The session ID given in the ``<hello>`` from the server""" return self.session.session_id
[docs] def take_notification(self, block=True, timeout=None): """Retrieve a notification from the incoming notification queue. :param bool block: If ``True``, the call will block the current thread until a notification is received or until `timeout` is exceeded :param float timeout: The number of seconds to wait when `block` is ``True``; when ``None``, the call can block indefinitely :rtype: :class:`Notification` """ try: (msg, ele) = self.session.notifications.get(block=block, timeout=timeout) return Notification(msg, ele) except Empty: return None
[docs] def dispatch(self, rpc): """Send an ``<rpc>`` request :param str rpc: The RPC to send; it should not include an ``<rpc>`` tag (one will be generated for you) :rtype: :class:`RPCReply` """ (msg, _) = self._send_rpc(make_rpc(from_ele(rpc))) return RPCReply(msg)
[docs] def delete_config(self, target): """Send a ``<delete-config>`` request :param str target: The datastore to delete """ self._send_rpc(delete_config(target))
[docs]class DataReply: """A response containing a ``<data>`` element :ivar str data_xml: The data element in string form (note that this value was handled by lxml) :ivar data_ele: The lxml parsed representation of the data :ivar bytes raw_reply: The raw reply from the server """ def __init__(self, raw, ele): self.data_ele = ele.find("{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0}data") self.data_xml = etree.tostring(self.data_ele) self.raw_reply = raw
[docs]class RPCReply: """A non-error response to an ``<rpc>`` :ivar str xml: The raw reply from the server """ def __init__(self, xml): self.xml = xml
[docs]class Notification: """A ``<notification>`` received from the server :ivar bytes notification_xml: The raw notification as received from the server :ivar notification_ele: The lxml parsed representation of the notification """ def __init__(self, raw, ele): self.notification_ele = ele self.notification_xml = raw
def convert_filter(filter): if filter is None: return None if isinstance(filter, tuple): (kind, value) = filter if kind == "subtree": return "<filter>{}</filter>".format(value) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unimplemented filter type {}".format(kind)) return filter def from_ele(maybe_ele): if etree.iselement(maybe_ele): return etree.tostring(maybe_ele).decode("utf-8") else: return maybe_ele
[docs]def to_ele(maybe_ele): """Convert the given string to an lxml element :param maybe_ele: If this is a string, it will be parsed by lxml. If it is already an lxml element the parameter is returned unchanged """ if etree.iselement(maybe_ele): return maybe_ele else: return etree.fromstring(maybe_ele)
RPCError = RpcError