Migrating ========= To migrate from the ``ncclient`` API to the ``netconf_client`` API you can generally follow these two steps. First change your imports. For example, convert from:: from ncclient.operations import RPCError from ncclient.xml_ import to_ele To this:: from netconf_client.ncclient import RPCError, to_ele Then you will need to migrate your connection code. For example, if your old connection method looked like this:: def mgr(): from ncclient import manager, operations m = manager.connect_ssh(host='localhost', port=830, username='root', password='password', hostkey_verify=False, timeout=120, ) m.raise_mode = operations.RaiseMode.ALL return m Then your new connection code should look like this:: def mgr(): from netconf_client.connect import connect_ssh from netconf_client.ncclient import Manager s = connect_ssh(host='localhost', port=830, username='root', password='password') return Manager(s, timeout=120) As long as the existing code isn't doing anything too crazy, these should be the only changes needed.